Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Sharing Photos from JeaneePaintsLive archives 2010-2016

Thankful to all my wonderful friends, the poets, musicians, singers, songwriters, bands and venues that I have been blessed to Paint my Art Live at!! Thank you! Here are a flurry of photos from my archives!

From the archives>>>> Paintings and Performers....

Jeanee Painting Live at Tapps ...

From the Archives JeaneePaints Live to Dick Goodwin Band

More ....

JeaneePaintsLive to Mark Wayne Hagood in Florence SC at the Gallery Art show
From the archives....

In West Virginia at Badlands Music Fest;  JeaneePaintsLive to Larry Keel and his band.

More memories..... Thank you all for the fond memories!!

JeaneePaintsLive to Sheryl Boyd at The Heritage Festival in Lake City, SC

Memories.... from the archives:

JeaneePaintsLive to Keith Bates at Haven Coffee Shop and Restaurant Gallery Lexington SC

A few more from the archives>>>>

JeaneePaintsLive to Jackaroe in Columbia SC

(many times)

and another band I painted to their music many times is

JeaneePaintsLive to Duba Band (many times)
mostly in Lexington SC
JeaneePaintsLive to Duba Band!

and another band I painted to a lot is from the archives.....

The Dubber aka Wendell Culbreath

Thanks for the memories!!

And just a few more of the many wonderful musicians and bands I have painted to....

JeaneePaintsLive to 
Ancient Sunken Treasure at Smokefest in Blythwood SC

The Dubber was the first musician that I was able to Paint Live to... a big heartfelt thanks 
to my friend The Dubber!

This was the very first one, back in April 2010!

This series of pictures are all from the day I painted live at Keepfest!
On Scollons Woods, one fine day!

This series is from the night I painted live at Keepfest, as you can see there were numerous bands and lots of fun for everyone!
Some of the pics have never been posted before:
Memory Lane....

Keepfest 2012

Memories of other places and times... more to follow....
JeaneePaintsLive most photos from Keith Bates with a few from others such as 
John Starino, Jean Bourque, Junior Talbot and Lesley Gilroy

This next series of pictures are from two Music festivals in West Virginia

Devon Allman and his band

JeaneePaintsLive in West Virginia at Badlands Music Festival and 
at PoorFarm Music Fest 
She painted to Devon Allman, Johnsons Crossroad, Kofi Baker and The Cream Experience, 
Larry Keel, Richmonds Best, and several other bands

Lucas Sams and his band at Conundrum
JeaneePaintsLive there too

Jeanee Painted live at the IndieGrrls Music Fest in Georgia

JeaneePaintsLive at an Oyster Fest for Harmony School Fundraiser
John Satterfields band
JeaneePaintsLive to "Lost in the Holler" Band at
Railroad Junction Gallery Florence SC

JeaneePaintsLive to Natty Vibes
JeaneePaintsLive to Stillhouse
at Art Bar Columbia SC

JeaneePaintsLive at Charlies in Lexington SC to Duba Band

Many more memories....
Hope you enjoyed them as much as I did.

Yours truly,


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